# Relocate images to a private registry

In kube+ you can relocate images to a private registry. For that you have to configure the system_registry configuration property like the example below.

    host: your-system-registry-url
    path: define-a-path
    username: service-account-for-your-registry
    password: password-for-your-sa-registry

First you need to login to docker. With the command below you automatically login to the previously defined registry.

$ make docker-login
  WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
  WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/any/.docker/config.json.
  Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

  Login Succeeded

After you've successfully logged into docker, you can execute the following commands:

$ make relocate


$ make render

to render the templates again.

Last Updated: 6/15/2022, 10:20:14 AM