# Install the kpack-cli

kp is the CLI tool to interact with the kpack (opens new window) image build service included on your Swisscom Application Platform installation.

# Installation

For OSX users, brew can be used

$ brew tap vmware-tanzu/kpack-cli
$ brew install kp

For Linux and Windows users you can download the binary directly from releases (opens new window).

Make sure to place the binary somewhere in your $PATH.

# Getting Started

$ kp --help
kp controls the kpack installation on Kubernetes.

kpack extends Kubernetes and utilizes unprivileged kubernetes primitives to provide
builds of OCI images as a platform implementation of Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNB).
Learn more about kpack @ https://github.com/pivotal/kpack

  kp [command]

Available Commands:
  build          Build Commands
  builder        Builder Commands
  clusterbuilder ClusterBuilder Commands
  clusterstack   ClusterStack Commands
  clusterstore   ClusterStore Commands
  completion     Generate completion script
  help           Help about any command
  image          Image commands
  import         Import dependencies for stores, stacks, and cluster builders
  lifecycle      Lifecycle Commands
  secret         Secret Commands
  version        Display kp version

  -h, --help   help for kp

Use "kp [command] --help" for more information about a command.

# Further information

Last Updated: 11/3/2021, 1:31:03 PM